Thursday, February 8, 2007


It's Thursday...time for the weekend to begin. :-)

I'm getting better at geogrphy & learning my Cairo suburbs. If Ma'adi (where I'm staying) is to Cairo what Decatur is to Atlanta, then Zemalek (where I had sushi the other night) is Midtown. I'm eating way more Egyptian food than anything else, but the trip for sushi was fun--and the sushi was really good and cheap too!


iamthirdeye said...

Great to hear you're making it pretty well over there. Be safe!

"My friend lived in Egypt for a while and all I got were these chopsticks??" -- Hehe

Unknown said...

Hey Mo! Just wanted to let you know I'm following your adventures here on the's nice to read here in the hospital when I'm on call. It sounds amazing. Keep the entries coming...

P. Inky said...

i always liked the cat mummies at the louvre. I should have mummified Knicky. ;-) Missing you.